Welcome To My K-Drama World!

Hi! 안녕 (annyeong)

I’m new to the world of K-drama (since March 2022) and I’m starting this blog to keep track of the series I’ve watched and to share review notes/my thoughts on the shows.

I finished My Liberation Notes (2022) just a couple of days ago and loved it. Can’t stop thinking about it.

I love the five-minutes-of-happiness rule of Mi Jung.

"Five minutes a day. If you have five minutes of peace, it’s bearable." – Kim Ji-won as Mi Jung

"I try to be happy for just five minutes a day. So I try to gather up moments of excitement in four and seven-second chunks, to fill five minutes a day. But I haven’t even been able to gather one second today." – Son Suk-ku as Mr. Gu