Dear My Friends

Review notes were previously posted on Letterboxd, on a private list with watched K-dramas. I deleted the list so will publish the notes here.

Watched 2 - 9 May 2022 — 16 episodes (YOUTUBE)

*Heartwarming series, at times heartbreaking, about ageing, friendships, family, mother/daughter relationships, about real people, mostly old, and their fears and regrets, and above all their love for each other. Love this show!!!
*I like Ko Hyun-jung and her flawed character Park Wan. I was rooting for her happy ending with Jo In-sung, her boyfriend in Slovenia (beautiful location shots, by the way).
*Yes! Jo In-sung is in this too!!!!!! He has a supporting role and doesn’t have nearly enough screen time but whenever he makes an appearance, he steals the scene and I love his soulful eyes and his smile. I was worried something bad would happen to him or that he and Ko Hyun-jung wouldn’t get their happy ending, but I needn’t have worried. All ends well for them.
*Loved all the different storylines and the characters. I also cried a lot again!
*Youn Yuh-jung as Oh Choong-nam was probably my fave person of the oldies. I love how she took care of everyone.
*The show ends on a happy note and I love how they made the ending so uplifting and satisfying.
*The OST! I especially loved Park Jimin’s Don’t Leave, playing with the scenes between Ko Hyun-jung and Jo In-sung.
*I was a bit sad the series had come an end. I would have loved to spend some more time with the characters and to see more of Ko Hyun-jung and Jo In-sung together.